Liz Sherriff

Liz was given her first camera at the age of 11 and this was the start of her interest in photography. Whilst many of her contemporaries used the written word to record their lives Liz used her camera. By the time Liz was 18 she had progressed from her Kodak Instamatic to a Canon SLR. This coincided with her studying Physics ‘A’ Level which gave her the grounding she needed to understand the science behind the camera.

Work, as a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, and family commitments limited Liz’s ability to indulge her photographic interests – although her camera was always an essential part of her holiday kit, but retirement has given her the opportunity to rekindle her passion and move forward with her art.

Whilst Liz’s interest had always been to use the camera as her diary and in particular to document her travels - recording not only the scenery but capturing the spirit of the people she meets – she has not been able to completely abandon the science for pure art and this can be seen in her more recent work.Since retirement Liz has had the time and opportunity to concentrate more on the aesthetics of her photography. Experimenting with movement, colour, focus and challenging preconceived ideas of visual time and place have been central to her recent work.

In Liz’s work on Colour Blindness she has attempted to illustrate the visual conceptual differences that individuals exhibit and challenge the viewer to imagine seeing through the eyes of others.

The COP 26 meeting in Glasgow in2021 inspired Liz to undertake a body of work ‘Fire and Ice’ illustrating the effect of Climate Change and temperature extremes on our world.


August 2022 Gillingham and Shaftesbury Show Photography Category - Overall winner

March 2023. RPS Woman Science Photographer of the Year - Finalist


February 2021 Putney School of Art and Design

April / May 2023 The Brick Lane Gallery, London. Photography Now